[mkdf_split_section enable_full_height=”yes” skin=”light” image_position=”right” breakpoint=”1024″ image=”4426″ content_background=”#ff5e14″ centered_text=”Corrugated” centered_text_outline_color=”#f2976a” lower_title=”Shipping, Display & Industrial”]

Reliable & Versatile.

Packaging Works produces an assortment of stock and custom corrugated box packaging for a variety of industries and uses. Any product that needs to be stored we have the solution to meet your needs. Some examples of solutions we offer are resistance to moisture, extra durability for heavy commodities, stackable, as well as custom branded boxes with POP displays that grab attention of consumers and drive sales. Whatever the product, we have a kraft container solution to fit your budget.

[mkdf_elements_holder holder_full_height=”no” number_of_columns=”one-column” switch_to_one_column=”” alignment_one_column=””][mkdf_elements_holder_item background_image=”5251″ item_padding=”76px 100px 85px 106px” item_padding_1025_1366=”76px 90px 85px 90px” item_padding_769_1024=”76px 280px 85px 86px” item_padding_680=”35px 20px 45px 22px” item_padding_681_768=”76px 110px 85px 120px” item_padding_1367_1600=”76px 100px 85px 106px” background_color=”rgba(255,94,20,0.8)”][mkdf_section_title type=”standard” position=”left” title_tag=”h2″ disable_break_words=”no” text_tag=”” text_font_weight=”300″ title=”Produce & Meat” title_break_words=”2″ text=”Packaging Works provides a large assortment of stock box solutions as well as the ability to manufacture custom solutions for produce and meat products. We have box solutions that will meet the unique challenges and requirements of each particular product. Needs may range from bulk packaging, cold chain, stackable, moisture resistance and display ready packaging. Whether the product is fruit or veg, meat, poultry, seafood or industrial, we have the kraft box solution to meet your needs.” title_color=”#ffffff” text_color=”#ffffff” text_margin=”21″ intro_title=”Solution Feature” intro_title_color=”#ffffff” text_font_size=”18px” text_line_height=”26px”]
[mkdf_elements_holder holder_full_height=”no” number_of_columns=”one-column” switch_to_one_column=”” alignment_one_column=””][mkdf_elements_holder_item background_image=”5251″ item_padding=”76px 100px 85px 106px” item_padding_1025_1366=”76px 90px 85px 90px” item_padding_769_1024=”76px 280px 85px 86px” item_padding_680=”35px 20px 45px 22px” item_padding_681_768=”76px 110px 85px 120px” item_padding_1367_1600=”76px 100px 85px 106px” background_color=”rgba(255,94,20,0.8)”][mkdf_section_title type=”standard” position=”” title_tag=”h2″ disable_break_words=”no” text_tag=”” text_font_weight=”300″ title=”POP Displays” title_break_words=”2″ text=”From simple counter displays, shelf ready displays, dump bins and PDQs, POP displays are a cost effective and functional way to quickly promote new products. By using POP displays, they can help to build your brand and capture the attention of consumers with their vibrant and informative displays. Each POP display project is uniquely crafted to meet the brands image while grabbing consumer’s attention and driving sales.” title_color=”#ffffff” text_color=”#ffffff” text_margin=”21″ intro_title=”Solution Feature” intro_title_color=”#ffffff” text_font_size=”18px” text_line_height=”26px”]